018 – Ger Jackson – 24hr Racing Anyone? & Team Giant Dublin

Find Out
- How Ger got his start in the mountain bike scene
- Why he wanted to do a 24hr solo race
- When, where and how he got on in his first 24hr solo race
- How he trains and gets ready for an upcoming race
- The equipment he uses
- What he has for breakfast on the morning of a race (this will surprise you)
- How he paces himself throughout a race
- How he deals with the pain involved
- Why it is important to have a great pip crew
- His top tip for anybody thinking of competing in a 24hr solo race
- Other crazy things he has done on a bike
- What the Celtic Corner Mtb is and why they are famous
- His future races planned for 2018
Ger is a top character. When chatting with Ger he comes across as calm and collected, not what I was expecting from a person who races solo 24 hours and enjoys it. I really didn’t know what I was expecting but you would think wanting to do something like that, you would have to be a little mad. Ger is the complete opposite. I first heard about Ger when I was at the 24hr Mourne Psycle Event held at the Life Adventure Centre in Castlewellan, Co. Down. I didn’t have the opportunity to chat to him on the day but I found out who had won the race and got in contact.
Wanting to do a solo 24hr race really does require a load of commitment and you need to be super motivated and disciplined. Ger chats about his experience within the 24hr race scene, the great bunch of lads that compete together and how, even though it is a solo race, you relay very much on a team environment to compete. Ger tells us about his training, what to expect before, during and after a race and how to best get over the physical and mental pain.
Ger has a great word for his team mates and Team Giant Dublin. The Giant store in Dublin has helped Ger compete throughout his 24hr racing with sponsorship and whatever else he has needed. Ger has no doubt that he would not be racing if it was not for the help of such a sponsor. We also chat a little about his bike and equipment, what bike he trains on and why he doesn’t change anything before a race.
Are you thinking of doing a solo 24hr race? Well, Ger has a top tip for you if you are thinking of jumping in feet first!
To Connect with Ger, Team Giant Dublin and the Celtic Corner Mtb
Facebook: ger.jackson
Facebook: Giant-Dublin-Off-Road-Team
Facebook: Celtic-Corner-MTB
Resources in this Episode
Website: www.giant-dublin.ie
Facebook: GiantStoreDublin
Instagram: giantdublin
Twitter: giantdublin
YouTube: GiantUKLtd
Mountain Bike Association of Dublin. Website: madmtb.com
Longest Day Longest Ride 24hr Race, Isle of Man. Website: www.ldlr.im
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Thanks so much to Ger for being a guest on the podcast and telling us his story on 24hr solo racing, it was an awesome insight.
And Thank You for Listening!
Join me next week for another MTB TRIBE Podcast show!