022 – Kelan Grant – Racing With Sam Hill And Team CRC Mavic Plus Winning The Redbull Foxhunt

Find Out
- How Kelan reacted when he got the new signing deal
- What Kelan done to celebrate
- What he thinks about having a team mate like Sam Hill
- How Kelan won the Redbull Foxhunt
- If Kelan will be defending his Foxhunt title this year
- How Kelan got started in mountain biking
- When he started to race
- What support Kelan had at this time
- The best piece of advice Kelan has received
- Who Kelan is sponsored by
- The help Kelan gets from his sponsors
- Kelan’s advice for young riders trying to get sponsors
- Kelan’s Training schedule
- Why Kelan is always posting images of his food on socials
- Kelan’s racing results and goals
- Recovering from injuries
- What Kelan has planned for the future
It is always great to talk with someone like Kelan. He always seems to be having fun, enjoying himself and never takes himself to serious. But Kelan is a serious rider and competitor, you don’t achieve what Kelan has without being dedicated, disciplined, motivated and determined. Kelan has them all and many more. If you follow Kelan on any of his social media platforms (see below for links) you will know he is either on a bike, in the jump park, in the gym or posting himself doing all of the above. There is no doubt Kelan is in love with what he does.
Kelan has an exciting and tough road ahead, but in my option, he is worth a good bet. Kelan is a young, talented and switched on ripper. He has worked hard to get where he is today and deserves everything that he has achieved. It was great to have him on the show. It was actually something we had been trying to organise for quite some time. Kelan had phone issues, Christmas got in the way, there was always something getting in our way. However it worked out for the best, as since that time Kelan has received his new sponsorship deal and that is what we all want to know about. So happy days.
Sit back and listen to Kelan’s story of mountain biking, winning and racing with Sam Hill.
To Connect with Kelan
Facebook: KelanGrantRacing
Instagram: kelangrant
Kelan’s Sponsors
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A massive thank you to Kelan for coming on the show, it was awesome to get this young local man on the podcast and chat about his much deserved success.
And a huge thank you for Listening!
Join me next week for another MTB TRIBE Podcast show!