070 – Why Should You Buy A New Bike? – Revisited – Answers from Mech Monkey
I often get asked what my best episode has been. This is a very difficult question to answer because of time lines etc. So I thought I would revisit one of the best for this weeks episode and I also think it is a very relevant episode for the start of the year, as we are all looking forward to the spring and possibly purchasing a new bike. I originally recorded this episode with Louis and Kieran back in March 2018 (episode 029) but it is still very relevant for today. Enjoy!
Todays Guest
Mech Monkey – Kieran and Louis answer my questions on ‘Why Should You Buy A New Bike?’
After getting a lend of the new 2018 Rocky Mountain Altitude Aluminium (Shimano 70) from Mech Monkey and having a total blast it got me thinking, ‘Should I buy a new bike’? I kind of know why I should buy a new bike but was that just a heart over head type response?
Yes, the Rocky Mountain was lighter, faster, slacker and more controllable or was that just the placebo effect? So, to find out the real reasons why I should buy a new bike I visited the Mech Monkey guys in Belfast to have a chat about it. Yes, Mech Monkey do sell Rocky Mountain, Transition, Nukeproof and loads of other required stuff (not a plug, really), but I knew I could chat to them and get truthful answers regarding this topic and not get regurgitated responses from the industry trying to sell me something (because I need it all to become a better rider!).
I also wanted to know more about how much I should spend on a new bike and why there is such price differences between them. The other thing that is hard to get to grips with is, what travel should I get, do I really need 150-170 mm for the trails I ride? Is 140-150 mm enough? Different brands tell you different things, right? And on that topic what brand should I go for, there are just so many.
Do I buy from a local store (personally I would always recommend this. Not only to support local stores and keep the money in your town but for maintenance issues as well) or do I save money and buy direct from the brand? There are more and more brands now doing this. If I spend that little bit more I can get a carbon frame over an aluminium frame. But do I need that and is it too much bike for me?
The questions can go on and on, and it can become a mind field, one answer pulling you this way and another pulling you that way. Because lets face it, after your house and maybe your car this is going to probably be the largest purchase you make so you want to get it right. And what benefit will I really get from a new bike, will it make me a better rider and have more fun on the trail? Well this podcast episode is going to try and help you and me make up our minds.
Find Out
- What difference a new bike makes not just to your pocket but your overall enjoyment
- How a new bike can make you a better rider
- How bikes have changed over the last number of years
- What amount of fork travel you should be looking for
- How new shorter chain stays help your riding
- Why wheel size does make a difference
- Brake and gear upgrades
- Why wider bars are better
- I don’t have one but maybe I should get one? The dropper seat question
- What you need to spend on a bike
- How often you should really look at changing your bike and why
I loved having this chat with Kieran and Louis from Mech Monkey. It was a conversion I never even though about until they were kind enough to lend me their new 2018 Rocky Mountain Altitude over a weekend. My bike is a good bike but it is ten years old so I was keen to see how different a new bike would feel (I couldn’t try my mates bike, its 20 years old!). I had the Rocky Mountain around Castlewellan and Davagh and I must say I did see and feel a huge difference. The bike filled me with confidence and was more responsive. The 27.5 wheels were the first thing I noticed as they roll better and give you more control when pushing on.
All of this said, ‘Do I really need a new bike?’, and why should I spend a load of money on something that may make my rides faster and more enjoyable but also, I am very aware that the novelty may just wear off. What to do?
Well I thought the best thing to do was go and ask the guys that would know, and anyhow they were the one’s that started all this by lending me the bike in the first place.
Tune in and find out if You and I should buy a new bike with Kieran and Louis from Mech Monkey, Belfast. Enjoy!
To Connect with Mech Monkey
Web: mechmonkey.co.uk
Email: info@mechmonkey.co.uk
Facebook: mechmonkeybelfast
Instagram: mech_monkey_belfast/
Twitter: mechmonkeyni
Rocky Mountain Bikes: www.bikes.com/en
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Massive thanks to Louis and Kieran for coming back on the show and sharing their bike knowledge with us.
Thanks again for listening and being part of the Tribe. Have a great week!
Join me next week for another MTB TRIBE Podcast show!