125 – How To Prepare For An Enduro Race with Alex Holowko – Revisited
This episode (#43) first aired on Thursday 05th July 2018
Todays Guest
Alex Holowko – Chats to us about how to best prepare for an enduro race at all levels.
On episode #125 (#43) we are chatting with Alex Holowko about everything enduro race related, from how to register to how to keep mental focus. Alex has been racing on the down hill scene since a young age but has now set his focus on the enduro scene. Alex is currently travelling around Europe in his motorhome with his girlfriend, Amanda Dexter aka WolfGirlMtb (check out episode 41 here) filming for their YouTube channel, Wolfpack Adventures, racing and chasing the Enduro World Series. We caught up and got Alex’s insights into everything you need to know about entering an enduro, how to be best prepared, compete and much more.
I was asked by a number of our listeners about how to best go about preparing yourself for racing in an enduro, mainly of the back of a few of our other interviews regarding racing (see below). So when I had Amanda on the show it dawned on me that Alex would be the perfect person to ask. So a few days later Alex was kind enough to take time out of their travelling schedule and share his thoughts and experience about what we should be thinking about when taking that jump into the exciting world of enduro racing.
Find Out:
- How to register for an enduro race
- What races you can enter
- If you need a licence to enter
- How and where to get a licence
- How much most race meets cost
- The professionalism of the EWS
- What your fitness level needs to be
- How to best look at training that works for you
- How to train when travelling & what equipment you should take
- How mentally draining racing can be and how to prepare for this
- What extra components you will need to have as spares
- Why you will need to be able to work and fix your own bike
- The disadvantages of being a privateer
- Why we all should enter and enjoy enduro racing
I loved this episode with Alex. It was great to get his insights into the privateer world of enduro racing. Even if you have never raced before, Alex gives us great advice on how to get started and how to step it up if you get bitten by that race bug. Even if you didn’t get into mountain biking because of wanting to race, I really think there comes a time when we all have a look at it and think, may be I should give that a go. Alex chats to us about the friendly and social scene that the enduro meetings have, it seems to incorporate a very friendly family atmosphere. And possibly that is one of the reasons why the enduro scene is growing massively.
Even though it is a very enjoyable weekend of riding and racing, it can be mentally draining. We chat to Alex about this and how to best prepare for the possible eventualities that may come your way. We also chat about what mechanical issues may arise and what you will need to be able to do, as far as working on your bike to keep you racing throughout the weekend. We chat about the spares you will need to carry up the mountain and how to best prepare your bike for a tough weekend of riding.
Alex finances this all from his own pocket and with the help of a few key sponsors. We chat about the disadvantages of being a privateer, and also the advantages of being a paid pro rider. You may be surprised at the many differences and advantages this gives you from accommodation to food to mechanics. It’s very interesting stuff.
So if your keen to get that first enduro race under you belt or you simply want a better insight into the enduro world and preparation, put your feet up and tune in. It’s a great listen!
To Connect with Alex:
Instagram: alexholowko
YouTube: Wolfpack Adventures
Resources in this Episode:
For a list of races to enter: www.rootsandrain.com
EWS: www.enduroworldseries.com
YouTube: Wolfpack Adventures
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Thanks so much to Alex for taking the time out of his busy day to come on the show and get us stoked on entering an enduro!
Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoyed it!
It’s awesome to have you here!
Join me next week for another MTB TRIBE Podcast show!