161 – Racing For The Grassroots Athlete with Adam Copley

161 – Racing For The Grassroots Athlete with Adam Copley

Today’s Guest:

Adam Copley – Personal Trainer specialising on MTB for both in and out of the gym

On episode #161 we are chatting with Adam Copley about getting into racing for the grassroots athlete, the psychological battle of races being cancelled and how to deal with motivation loss etc… over these tough times. Plus tonnes more great advice to help you get out on your bike and enjoy your riding more.

Bonus Time!!

Adam has kindly offered all MTB TRIBE PODCAST listeners 10% OFF ALL his 1-1 Courses and Online Packages!

Simply visit Adam’s website: www.adamcopleypt.com & click on the MTB TRIBE BUTTON, fill out the contact form (starting with MTB-TRIBE) and send it!

Enjoy the show.

Find Out:

  • How to change up your training if you are wanting to be competitive on race day
  • Why getting involved in the race scene helps your riding
  • What you will get out of attending a couple of race events each season
  • What Adam’s clients have been doing over the gym closure times
  • What it means to Adam to have the gyms open and to get back working with his clients
  • The issues some of his clients have come to him with over the lockdown period
  • How to deal with the psychological battle of races being cancelled
  • How to deal with motivation loss and what Adam has been advising his clients to do
  • How motivation can have a major impact on your energy and general wellbeing
  • Why having a strong core helps you on and off the bike
  • How to think about a strong core and train for it in the gym (and it’s not having a six pack)
  • How mountain biking helps with your mental strength and wellbeing
  • What Adam has planned for the future and how to get in contact

Adam was on the podcast back in episode #146 (see below) where we chatted about how the Covid pandemic has effected his PT business and the positives he has taken out of it to help build new relationships and connections. We also chatted about how you can best get started on your mountain bike journey regarding bikes, trail riding, gym workouts and what mistakes to avoid.

Adam had a good response from the podcast and was getting a number of his clients asking his advice about training for racing and how best to deal with the psychological aspect of races being cancelled etc…It is not easy when you have your sights set on an event and have trained and put all your focus into competing and being ready to do your best and feel the return from your time training to have the event cancelled.

One of the big issues after these major disappointments is getting your motivation back to keep training and keep pushing yourself both on the bike and in the gym. This is something quite a lot of us struggle with. Adam chats us through how he has been helping his clients with these issues and also, how he deals with motivation issues. Adam himself is not immune.

We also chat about how to best change up your training routine if you are looking at getting into racing or are wanting to take race day a little more seriously. We also touch on how having a strong core helps you on the bike and why this is so important, and we aren’t talking about having a six pack. Adam explains what a strong core actually means and how lots of people get the idea of a strong core wrong. Don’t believe everything you hear in the media!

Thanks for being here and I hope you enjoy the show! 

Don’t forget about Adam’s great offer. Have a look below!


MTB TRIBE PODCAST listeners get 10% OFF 1-1 Courses and Online Packages!

Simply visit Adam’s website: www.adamcopleypt.com & click on the MTB TRIBE BUTTON, fill out the contact form (starting with MTB-TRIBE) and send it!


To Connect with Adam:

Website: www.adamcopleypt.com

Instagram: acopleypt

Facebook: acopleypt

Facebook Group: Adam Copley: Personal Training


To Share Your Thoughts or Get In Contact:

  • Share this show on, Instagram or Facebook
  • Leave a note in the ‘Contact Us’ section on the website

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Thanks to Adam for coming on the show again and helping us stay motivated in and out of the gym!

And thanks for tuning in once again and being a part of the podcast!

Join me next week for another MTB TRIBE Podcast show.